#1 Know the program you want to participate in

Have you always wanted to join an after-school sports team, a dance studio, or a writing class?

Or maybe you don’t have a particular idea yet, but you know your friends have been doing something cool. Go and ask them. See how they enjoyed it, and maybe you can go together this semester.

Or maybe your teacher has an awesome idea of where you can discover and develop your talents?

There are unlimited opportunities out there, and we encourage you to explore!

#2 Fill in the application form

Once you decide on a program you’d like to pursue but are looking for financial assistance on the program cost, you can fill out the Silicon Valley Youth Scholarship student application form, including both the student’s section and the parent/guardian section. Each applicant also needs to be supported by one of the student’s teachers, who will fill out the teacher's form.

Both forms need to be completed for the application to be considered.

We will review your application according to our scholarship granting criteria. If and when you hear from us that your application has been approved, you may go ahead and enroll in the program you have selected.

Before you apply for the SVY Scholarship to participate in a particular program, it is important that you make sure the program works with your schedule and you have the means of transportation to the program.

#3 Receive your reimbursement check

In the scholarship grant letter, we will let you know the amount of your scholarship. This will often be the cost of the program minus $25.

We view the scholarship as a partnership between SVY and the participating students. A small copayment ($25) shows the student’s commitment to the joint venture.

Once you enroll in your program, please send us a copy of your payment receipt (not an invoice). We will issue a payment check to you according to the scholarship grant letter.

Commitment to the program

Recipients of SVY Scholarships are expected to be fully committed to and attend the program on a regular basis. We encourage everyone to send us periodic feedback on your progress. Once the program ends, we expect everyone to send us a short final report.

SVY Scholarship progress and final report form