
DLS Websites

Introduction to SIL's Dictionary & Lexicograhy Services

The Rapid Word Collection method aims to revolutionize the task of collecting words by using a systematic method to capture these words in a workshop organized in the language community.

This website contains a list of nearly 1800 semantic domains. They are organized in a hierarchy under nine major headings so that similar domains can be found together.

Webonary – A collection of Dictionaries and Grammars from around the World.

Google Play Store – A collection of Dictionary Apps from around the World.

SIL Websites

Dictionary App Builder helps you to build customized dictionary apps for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets.

FieldWorks consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks ranging from the initial entry of collected data through to the preparation of data for publication, including dictionary development, interlinearization of texts, morphological analysis, and other publications.

A collection of linguistic terms and their definitions.

Collaborative web-based dictionary building that syncs with FieldWorks.

SooSL™ is software for making and publishing a sign language dictionary.

The Combine is an easy-to-use tool in the Rapid Word Collection (RWC) process—a method of gathering the words that will serve as the backbone for a bilingual dictionary.