
Sigsbee Charter School will supply all needed classroom supplies like folders, notebooks, and pencils.

Supplies Needed From Home

The students will need to bring the following supplies to school. Please make sure they are labeled with your Kindergartener's first and last name.

Classroom Donations

In order to limit the amount of supplies stored in our classroom, we have divided the supply list by last name.

Last name beginning with A - G - Tissues, Clorox/Lysol wipes, Hand sanitizer

Last name beginning with H - Z - Paper towels, 1 box of plastic bags (gallon, quart, or sandwich), 1 box dixie cups

Classroom Wishlist

These are desired things for our classroom. They are not expected, but always much appreciated!

We like to have some extra snacks and water, just in case they are forgotten.


Parent time and expertise is a huge resource that can support our classroom and learning. I've listed a few ways that you can volunteer to support our classroom. We are always looking for new and creative way to bring our families into the classroom. Please keep an eye out for emails and sign ups about volunteering.