

Whereas, the Student Council of Rushville-Industry High School desires to perpetuate and maintain a high standard of conduct, truth, honor, and duty to encourage the practice of good citizenship among members of the school, we the student council of Rushville-Industry High School, do make this constitution.

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the the Student Council of Rushville-Industry High School

Article II: Student Council

  1. Purpose
    1. Student Council shall be a:
      1. Voice of representation for:
        1. Student needs
        2. Student desires
        3. Student rights
        4. Student problems
      2. Mode of communication
        1. Between students and administration
        2. Between administration and students

Article III: Nominations and Elections

  1. Nominations
    1. The nominations of all candidates of all classes for membership in the student council shall be by petition only. Such petitions must follow the form prescribed by the Advisors of the Student Council, must bear the signature of 26 members of the class from which the candidate seeks nomination, and 4 signatures from current or former high school or middle school teachers of the candidate and must be submitted to the Elections Committee at the time and manner prescribed by the Committee.
  2. Election
    1. The Election Committee shall prepare a separate ballot for each class, containing the names of all candidates who have submitted acceptable petitions from their class.
    2. The elections shall be held in the spring of each year in late April. Voting shall be by electronic ballot and shall be available to the student body during the time prescribed by the advisors.
    3. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the representation of any class after the regular elections, the chairman of the Elections Committee of the Student Council will fill the vacancy by naming the person who received the next highest number of votes in the regular election. This student shall enter the Student Council as a regular member until the end of the school year.
    4. In such cases where no eligible runner exists, the vacancy shall be filled by the exercise of regular election procedures.
    5. As soon as possible after the election, the elected Student Council representatives shall meet to elect Student Council officers from among themselves. Those chosen shall serve in their respective offices and as representatives of their class.

Article IV: Officers

  1. The purpose of the officers is to give leadership in the making and execution of Student Council decisions.
  2. The President and Vice President must be entering their senior year when elected. The Secretary must be entering their junior or senior year when elected. All officers must have one year of experience in the Student Council.
  3. Advisor
    1. The principal shall appoint a member of the faculty to serve as advisor to the Student Council. The faculty member shall serve as advisor and does not vote.
  4. President
    1. Duties and Power
      1. To prepare and preside over all meetings of the Student Council.
      2. To appoint all necessary committees.
      3. To administer council affairs.
      4. To call meetings of the Student Council when they are needed.
  5. Vice President
    1. Duties
      1. To assume the powers of President in the absence of the President.
      2. To succeed to the Presidency in the case of the removal or resignation of the President.
      3. To assist the President as necessary in council affairs.
  6. Secretary
    1. Duties
      1. To keep accurate accounts of all Student Council meetings for the year.
      2. To keep accurate attendance records for all Student Council activities.
      3. To prepare an accurate report of each Student Council meeting.
      4. To keep an accurate record of membership.

Article V: Membership and Qualifications

  1. Membership
    1. The Student Council shall consist of five members of each class.
  2. Term of Office
    1. The term of office for a Student Council member shall be one year. This term shall begin the first week after the elections and end the following school year after elections.
  3. Qualifications
    1. In order to be eligible for membership, a student must:
      1. Have full standing in the class they represent.
      2. Maintain a 2.0 grade average.
      3. Be enrolled at Rushville-Industry High School or Schuyler-Industry Middle School for at least one full semester before election.
      4. Must not exceed three unexcused absences from required Student Council activities.
    2. A student may be dropped from Student Council immediately if:
      1. They drop below the eligibility level.
      2. Has three unexcused absences.

Article VI: Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be held as needed and shall be called by the President or Advisor.
  2. Discussions and votes in meetings shall take place in an orderly manner under the direction of the President.
  3. There will be a meeting only when an advisor and more than half of the Student Council members are present.

Article VII: Amendments

  1. The Constitution may be amended by a ⅔ vote of the representatives present, providing one meeting notice of the proposed amendment shall be given by the President.
  2. The Constitution may be totally revised by passing of a vote of the students of Rushville-Industry High School on a proposed constitution having the approval of Student Council. The referendum will be said to have passed if a ⅔ majority of the voting students approve of the new document and thereby the document will be the constitution of the Student Council of Rushville-Industry High School.