BP3 Criteria

Applications for a BP3 card are available at the end of each quarter.

The following requirements apply to all BP3 cards:

  • No D's or F's (even if GPA otherwise meets the requirement)

  • No detentions or suspensions

  • Move up 1 level with 3 positive office referrals (must already qualify for a bronze card)

  • Only unweighted quarter grades are counted (weighted GPA is not used and semester grades do not count)

  • Only grades for high school classes are counted. This means freshmen are not eligible during their first quarter and grades for college classes are excluded.

You are not eligible for any BP3 card if you do not meet all these requirements.

Bronze Card Criteria:

  • 3.14 GPA (equivalent to 6 Bs or 3 Cs, at least 1 A needed)

  • No unexcused absences, 4 or fewer excused absences

  • No more than 1 discipline referral

Silver Card Criteria:

  • 3.43 GPA (equivalent to 4 Bs or 2 Cs)

  • No unexcused absences, 3 or fewer excused absences

  • No discipline referrals

Gold Card Criteria:

  • 3.71 GPA (equivalent to 2 Bs or 1 C)

  • No unexcused absences, 2 or fewer excused absences

  • No discipline referrals

Platinum Card Criteria:

  • All As

  • Perfect Attendance

  • No discipline referrals