What is BP3?

BP3 is an incentive program that allows students at RIHS to earn rewards for their positive behavior. Each quarter students have the opportunity to earn a bronze, silver, gold or platinum card.

Who can earn a BP3 card?

All RIHS students can earn a BP3 card, except freshmen and new students in their first quarter at RIHS. Each quarter, students work towards a card for the next quarter, and current cards represent work in the previous quarter.

How can I earn a BP3 card?

Click here to see a list of requirements for each card

What rewards do I get with a BP3 card?

Click here to see a list of the rewards for each card

How do I use a BP3 personal day?

Go to the office with your BP3 card to get a prearranged absence form. Ms. Flannigan, Mrs. Stambaugh, Mr. Kost or Mrs. VanBrooker will date and initial your card to show you have used your day. Have your teachers sign your prearranged absence form and return it to the office. The day you are gone will be marked as an excused extracurricular absence and will not count against you for a BP3 card the next quarter.

Can I save my personal day to use later?

Personal days expire at the end of the quarter.

If you earn a platinum card both quarters in a semester, you may roll your BP3 day from 1st or 3rd quarter to the following quarter to use two days in 2nd or 4th quarter. BP3 days may not roll from one semester to another.