
Routine Expectations:





Students must be able to conduct themselves appropriately with in the group.

Students must be able to follow program rules.

Students must be able to interact with peers and community in appropriate manner.


If any injuries do occur to a student in the after-school program, school personnel will respond in the same manner that occurs during regular school hours. Parents will be contacted, a staff will wait with student until parents arrival. The after-school program operates with the student-adult ratio varies, depending on program size. Moose Lodge is stocked with a first aid kit, basic medical supplies with least one after- school staff member is CPR certified.

Parent Pick - Up

Students who are picked up from the Moose Lodge must leave with a parent/ guardian (at least 16 years of age) a yellow note must be giving to the classroom teacher at the begin of the day of alternative pick up. Students must be picked up promptly at the end of the Moose lodge. If a student has not been picked up by the end of the program, staff will contact the parents/ guardian  and anyone designated as the emergency contact. The family will be charged $5, every 5  late minutes, per student 

Weather Emergency

In any event of weather emergency, or  any early school closing parents will be notified through phone call or an email,  Moose lodge will be cancelled. Parents/Guardians should plan for alternative coverage and or a back up plan for their child(ren).