Fitness Center

Make the connection between location of muscles, names of muscles, how to strengthen the muscles, and how to stretch them. Use this chart to help!

Major Muscle Groups

Major Muscle GroupLocationFunctional RoleExercise to StrengthenSample StretchNotesAbdominal


Sitting up, postural alignment

Crunches, leg raises, twisting crunches

You typically don't stretch your abs. For most people, the abs are not strong enough, so you need to work on strengthening them rather than stretching them

The rectus abdominus is the muscle that is visible. The transversus abdominus muscle, which stabilizes your back is underneath.


Front of upper arm

Lifting, pulling

Bicep Curls

Sit on floor. Place hands behind you with fingers pointing away from your body. Walk your hips away from your hands.

Anytime you move your hand toward your shoulder, you are using your biceps.


Top of shoulder

Overhead lifting

Push ups, bench press, side & rear arm raises

"Scratch your Back" - Put both hands over your head. Bend one elbow and place hand on back. With other hand, push elbow to stretch triceps, deltoids, lats

The deltoids are composed of three parts, anterior, posterior & medial. Anytime you "flap" your arms, your deltoids are working.

Gastrocnemius & Soleus

Back of lower leg

Push off for walking, standing on tiptoes

Standing calf raises, seated calf raises

Lunges with a straight back leg for gastrocnemius.

Lunges with bent knees for soleus.

The gastrocnemius give your legs a rounded shape. The soleus is underneath the gastrocnemius.



Climbing stairs, walking, standing up

Squat, leg press

Sit on chair, cross other leg over thigh of bent leg, lean forwards.

Made up of several muscles. The largest muscle in the body is the gluteus maximus.


Thigh - back


Squats, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls

While standing, place heel of leg to be stretched on a chair. Keep your leg as straight as possible, your hips square and your back flat. Bend at the waist toward your leg.

The hamstrings are made up of three muscles. Don't squat below 90 degrees, otherwise you could damage your knees.

Latissimus Dorsi & Rhomboids

Back - Lats are the large triangular muscle in the midback.

Rhomboids are between the shoulder blades

Postural alignment, pulling open a door

Lats - pull ups, chin ups, lat pull downs

Rhomboids - chinups & bent arm rows

"Scratch your Back" - Put both hands over your head. Bend one elbow and place hand on back. With other hand,

To stretch rhomboids, "hug yourself" Cross your hands in front of you, place both hands on your shoulder blades.

Developed lats give your back a "V" shape, making your waist appear smaller.


Side of body

Rotation and side flexion of body

Twisting crunches, rotary torso

Lie on your back with your arms extended out ("T" shape) Bend both knees. Rotate your hips and put your bent legs on the floor on your side.

Strong internal and external oblique muscles ward off back pain.


Front of upper chest

Push up from lying position, push open a door

push-up, pull-up, bench press

While standing, hold both arms out at shoulder height, palms forward. Pull arms back.

The pectoralis muscles pull the shoulder and arm forward.


Thigh - front

Climbing stairs, walking, standing up

Squats, lunges, leg presses

While lying on side, grasp ankle, push hips forward

The quads are made up of four muscles.


Large muscle in upper and mid-back.

Moves head sideways,

upright rows, shoulder shrugs

Upper trap stretch. Sit in a chair, put your left hand behind you. Tilt your head so your right ear moves toward your right shoulder. Repeat on the other side.

Your upper trapezius connects your head to your shoulders. When you feel "knots in your neck", it's your trapezius.


Back of upper arm


Push ups, tricep extensions, dips

"Scratch your Back" - Put both hands over your head. Bend one elbow and place hand on back. With other hand, push elbow to stretch triceps, deltoids, lats

Anytime you extend your lower arm, you are using your triceps.