


Step 1: STANCE

Wait for command before moving to shooting line.

Stand with quiver in front of you.

Feet shoulder width.

Feet parallel to each other and parallel to target.

Left shoulder points to target (R handed person).

Perfect posture.

Weight equally distributed.

Step 2: GRIP

Check arrow rest on grip to see bow is not upside down.

Use only two fingers-thumb and index finger.

Thumb base actually supports bow during the draw.

Address the target then tip the bow and nock the arrow on the string at a right angle.

Step 3: DRAW

Arrow should be sitting on arrow rest and nocked on string.

Three finger tips draw as a unit-string on first top crease of finger.

Scissors action to hold arrow.

Draw smoothly back to anchor point under chin.

Elbow of drawing arm should be in same line as arrow.

Pronate (rotate outward) bow arm elbow to avoid string burn

Step 4: ANCHOR

Allows consistency in shooting.

Index finger rests along jawbone.

Draw to same place each time for consistency.

String bisects nose and chin.

Step 5: AIM

First arrow shot will be experimental (warm-up).

Close dominant eye with right handed archer…closing (L) eye.

Line of vision is from (R) eye to arrow pile to gold on target.

Adjust point of aim according to distance from target.

Hold body steady and draw smoothly.


After carefully aiming.

Point fingers at target to allow string to roll off fingertips.

Drawing arm will automatically recoil backward as shoulder blades move together.

Step 7: HOLD

Keeps motion from being transferred to arrow.

Three counts to steady body before reaching for next arrow.

Place bow on quiver when done shooting.

Wait for signal to retrieve arrows.