
WWHS Winter Wonderland Volleyball Tournament


1. Underhand serve only

2. 3 hits per side

3. No double hits (one person cannot hit the ball twice in a row)

4. If the ball hits the backboard = REDO

5. If the ball hits the rafters and stays on your side = PLAY IT

6. If the ball hits the rafters and goes over = OUT OF BOUNDS

7. If the ball lands on the line = IN

8. Pay attention to the boundaries

9. Stay out of the net

10. No spiking on a serve

11. Say your score and then your opponents score BEFORE you serve

12. ROTATE! Everyone plays every position (no jumping from the back line to the front)

13. Rally Scoring – a team scores regardless of who served. The team that wins the point becomes the serving team.

Responsibilities of Captains

1. Keep track of the score

2. Report your win to the PE teachers

3. If you think the other team is cheating, call a teacher over to help

4. Make sure the other team is rotating and everyone is serving


1. No kicking the volleyball

2. No shooting the volleyball

3. Stay out of the net during play

4. Communicate with your teammates to avoid collisions

5. Underhand serve ONLY