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Lexia Core5

Reading Lab Students are encouraged to work on Lexia 7-15 minutes a night.

How to Log In:

Download App or visit website hereEnter teacher email address: caitlin.tobin@shschicago.orgEnter student name: firstname.lastnameEnter password - All students will receive a password at the beginning of the year. Please contact your child's reading specialist if you need the password again.

A Few of Our Favorite Apps and Websites

Click on the picture to follow the link.


A digital library for kids 12 and under. Our class code is: tgc5260

Unite for Literacy

Free digital access to digital books narrated in many languages.


Current event and other news articles for students Grade 2-9. Our class code is: VJZ2DH

Book Creator

A tool to create e-books on an iPad, Chromebook or on the web.

Word Wizard

Reading and spelling activities for children 4-10 years old. ($4.99)

Storyline Online

Videos of celebrated actors and singers reading children's books accompanied by illustrations.


Each day, an intriguing question—the Wonder of the Day®— is posed and explored it in a variety of ways.

Reading A - Z (RAZ Kids)

Contact your child's teacher for RAZ Kids Log-in information.


Digital library of free leveled books

Reading Rockets

Reading Rockets is a national multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.

Support for parents with children who have learning and/or attention issues.


Here are a few of our favorite teacher blogs.