Whanau as support.

For all Shirley Boys High School official communication about the lock down, education, and Covid-19 please have a look here.

Connecting with, and understanding your teenager is super important right now.

Setting the scene.

The teenage brain is different from the adult brain. And because of this your teenager still needs you to support them through these difficult times.

Teenagers are typically moody and prone to heighten states of emotions. This is because the area of the brain called the amygdala is very active. One of the roles of the amygdala is emotional responses. High brain activity in the amygdala means lots of emotions for our teenagers.

Teenagers are typically impulsive and risk takers. This is because the part of the brain that influences judgement and decision making is not yet fully developed. Teenagers are less likely to think things through or follow through on any decision making.

Because our teenagers or more emotional and impulsive they need our support getting through these tough times. Our teenagers need our patience, understanding and guidance. (even if they think they know best :))

What ever happened ? lol

A little comedy and fun is always good during times like these. When we laugh we release chemicals in the brain that make us feel good. Laughter is good for our sanity and our hauora / wellbeing.

Check out the 'Kevin' series on YouTube !


  • Peer acceptance is huge for a teenager. Being in lock down more connecting will happen online. Check out the NetSafe web page on keeping your teen safe online;

  • The chemical released in the brain that helps reduce feeling anxious and stressed in children and adults has the opposite effect on teenagers - our teenagers are more prone to feeling high levels of worry and stress.

More than 100 teenagers responded to a survey about how they were finding life during Covid-19 and Lock down. Emily Writes reports how our teenagers are feeling and what they are thinking in the article for The SPINOFF. - Have a read.

Our teenagers / rangatahi are more vulnerable right now. Their emotions are big, their impulsiveness and lack of decision making and judgement put them at risk. The chemical that regulates feelings of stress and anxiety actually increases the feelings of anxiety for our teenagers.

As caregivers we need to make sure we are in a good place first. Then we are in a better place to help our whanau. Below are some links to information and resources that may be helpful.

Wiremu McCarthy has a series of 8 YouTube clips about Hauora. Our students have been encouraged to watch them. The clips might provide an opportunity for you and your whanau to korero about how to look after yourselves during these difficult time.

Taking action to look after your Hauora is about keeping yourself in the best place possible.

Teenagers are very social. They cannot connect physically now so there is a role for whanau to connect and support.

Hope, a sense of purpose, and a sense of a higher purpose are super important in coping during tough times.

Below are links to resources and information that may be helpful;

If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your young person please make contact with one of the contacts on the support page here.