EdLaw 2d Info & Shenendehowa Software List

The list below allows teachers and administrators to sort software by various criteria. If you are looking to see only approved Edlaw 2d software, be sure to  select approved in the 2d status drop-down. If the software vendor refuses to sign our DPA or doesn't respond we cannot use their software.

Filter Instructions:

Use the filters below to narrow down the entries you see in the table. You can select multiple criteria for one filter or use multiple filters simultaneously (e.g. selecting K-5 for Level and Math for Audience will result in math applications suitable for K-5.

Using the Shen contact field will help administrators/teachers identify who is responsible for the 2d paperwork and renewal. 

Lastly, if you notice a piece of regularly used software is missing, please begin the 2d approval process with your AA/Administrator and if errors are found in the data please notify John Bullington for corrections.

Admin Only or Teacher and Admin