Web Design

Web Design is a course that provides instruction in the principles of web design using HTML/XHTML and current/emerging software programs. Areas of instruction include audience analysis, hierarchy layout and design techniques, software integration, and publishing. Instructional strategies include peer teaching, collaborative instruction, project-based learning activates and school community projects. Second semester students will learn the most important topics of Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, Adobe Flash CS6, and Adobe Fireworks CS6. You will first learn how to get started with Dreamweaver and how to create a website and develop a web page. Then, you will work with text, images, and links. Next, you will learn to position page content with CSS and tables. Next, you will learn how to manage a web server and files. For Flash students will learn how to draw object, and how to work with symbols and interactivity. Next, you will focus on creating animations and creating special effects. Finally, students will learn how to get started and work with Fireworks. Students will learn how to work with new and existing document, layers, shapes, and text. We will also work with vector tools, vector objects, imported files and selections.

This course provides the opportunity for dual credit for students who meet post-secondary requirements for earning dual credit and successfully complete the dual credit requirements of this course.

Classroom demonstrations are posted on my YouTube channel for students who are absent or if you just need a refresher.


Classroom Code: 6nkssdu

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