PLTW Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity introduces the secure software development process including designing secure applications, writing secure code designed to withstand various types of attacks, security testing and auditing. It focuses on the security issues a developer faces, common security vulnerabilities and flaws, and security threats. The course explains security principles, strategies, coding techniques, and tools that can help make software fault tolerant and resistant to attacks. Students will write and analyze code that demonstrates specific security development techniques. Students will also learn about cryptography as an indispensable resource for implementing security in real-world applications. Students will learn the foundations of cryptography using simple mathematical probability. Information theory, computational complexity, number theory, and algebraic approaches will be covered. SHS uses the PLTW curriculum to meet the standards for this course. Schools using the curriculum and are part of the Project Lead the Way network must follow all training and data collection requirements.

All syllabi, course work, monthly schedules, and assignments are located on Google Classroom. Please see course code below.

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Google Classroom Code: zpeaxhs

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