Garlic oil

By Elly Bolton

This recipe doubles up as a recipe for both garlic oil and garlic confit!


  • Oil of choice (I used sunflower oil)

  • Garlic bulbs

  • Optional: fresh herbs of your choice


  1. For each 250ml of oil, use 1.5 bulbs of garlic

  2. Separate the cloves, trim the ends, and peel them

  3. Put them in a saucepan and cover with oil. If using herbs, add them now

  4. Simmer on a very low heat until the garlic is tender but still keeps its shape. It’s important not to heat this quickly, or the cloves will burn

  5. Once the cloves are tender, remove the saucepan from the heat and stir every few minutes until cool

  6. Transfer into a container and keep in the fridge. Enjoy in salad dressings, with balsamic vinegar and crusty bread, or use for cooking dishes such as scrambled tofu!