Chana Masala

By Manasi Mulay


To prepare the chickpeas:

  1. Soak 1 cup of dry chickpeas (washed thoroughly) in 2 cups of lukewarm water overnight. If you are using canned chickpeas you can skip the soaking step.

  2. Next morning, boil the soaked chickpeas in around 4-5 cups of boiling water until ultra-soft. (faster in pressure cooker)

For the gravy:

  1. Grind together 1 small size spicy brown/white onion, 2-3 salad tomatoes, small piece of ginger, 3-4 garlic cloves, 3-4 fresh or dried red chilli peppers and ½ cup of soaked cashew/walnut kernels (optional).

To cook:

  1. Heat the cooking oil in a pan, add cumin seeds, ½ flat tsp of turmeric powder, ½ tsp garam-masala and the gravy paste (from step 2).

  2. Let it cook for 7-8 mins until it changes colour.

  3. Then add the boiled chickpeas from step-1 (excess water need not be drained), mix well and let it cook for around 10 mins with lid on.

  1. Garnish ‘chana-masala’ with chopped coriander and 1 tsp lemon juice (this can adjust the spiciness) can be served with pitta bread, or puri (along with sweet dry-fruit halva), or basmati rice.