Baked oatmeal

By Elly Bolton

This isn’t so much of a recipe, but more of a solution to another recipe not going to plan. I’m sure plenty of us have ended up scrambling pancakes rather than flipping them, which causes a lot of frustration. Instead of throwing the dough out, why not try turning it into baked oatmeal?


  • Failed pancake batter

  • Porridge oats

  • Optional: chia seeds

  • Frozen blueberries (you can use fresh)

  • A sprinkle of sugar


  1. Preheat oven to fan 180°C

  2. Add porridge oats and chia seeds into the pancake batter and mix. Keep adding until it reaches the consistency of gloopy porridge

  3. Stir in some frozen blueberries (not too many or the mixture won’t cook through)

  4. Decant into an ovenproof container (I did mine in individual ramekins but a cake tin or baking dish would do)

  5. Sprinkle some sugar on the top

  6. Pop into the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and no longer dents when touched