Participant Instructions
For chairs
Please arrive 5 minutes before the start of your session.
A member of the committee will help set up the projector, provide access to the Google Drive folder for the session, a laser pointer and markers/chalk for the white/black boards.
You should clearly introduce yourself and each speaker in turn.
If a speaker fails to show, please advise the audience to attend a talk in the alternative lecture theatre. Do not move the next talk forward.
Talks are strictly 13-15 minutes in duration with 3-5 minutes for questions. ‘5 min’, ‘1 min’ and ‘stop’ signs will be provided. Changeovers between speakers should be prompt. It is crucial that we stick to the schedule, so you may have to ask the speaker to stop if they ignore the signs. So please try your best to start the session on time and use the signs to assist the speakers time management.
After each talk, thank the speaker, encourage applause, and open the floor to questions. If no questions are forthcoming, try your best to ask one yourself. Broad questions that spark continued debate are encouraged.
For speakers
Each lecture theatre will contain a computer, projector, laser pointer and a black board or whiteboard.
Please ensure oral presentations are provided in pdf or PowerPoint (ppt or pptx) files. You will be asked to send any slides you may be using to by 4th September. A member of the committee will launch your presentation.
Arrive a few minutes before the start of the session, introduce yourself to the chair and make sure your presentation can be loaded onto the computer.
If problems occur please do not hesitate to contact one of the committee members, at least one will be present in each session.
Talks are strictly 13-15 minutes plus 3-5 minutes for questions. Any speakers going over this time will be asked to stop by the chair. The chair will inform you when you have 5 minutes and 1 minute remaining.
For displaying a poster
Posters should be A0 size either portrait or landscape. We are not able to print your poster for you. If you would like to print your poster once you arrive in Sheffield then please contact Print Services in advance who may be able to assist you in this process.
The poster session will be held in Hicks LT4 at 15:30 on Monday 11th September.
During the poster session, please remain close to your poster to answer questions from interested participants.
All posters should include your name, affiliation and contact details (such as email).
Please ensure that posters are removed by 17:00 on Tuesday 12th September
There will be a committee member present in all presentation sessions and at the poster reception. If there are any problems following the instructions above then please contact a member of the committee.
RSS Sponsored Prizes
Four prizes are available from the Royal Statistical Society for the three best talks and the best poster. Each prize includes free registration to the RSS conference (held on the 2-5th September 2024 in Brighton) and the chance to present your talk in a dedicated session.