Practical Engineering Education Conference PEE24

We are once again hosting the 3rd Practical Engineering Education Conference PEE24 in July 2024, Click here for more information 

A conference to explore the learning that happens when students get hands-on in workshops and laboratories.

In September 2021 the University of Sheffield hosted the first ever Practical Engineering Education conference, welcoming delegates from more than 20 Universities from UK and Ireland and sponsors from 4 of the UK's leading equipment suppliers.  Following overwhelmingly positive feedback from the event, we has decided to host the conference again this year: PEE22. The dates will be Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th of September 2022 and it will be run in conjunction with Sheffield Hallam University

Book your tickets now.

What do we mean by Practical Engineering?

All engineering is practical. Using a theoretical concept to solve a tutorial sheet problem invariably involves applying engineering science to real world applications. But when we talk about “practical engineering education” in this context, we mean the type of hands-on teaching that typically occurs in laboratories and workshops, where students conduct experiments and fabricate artefacts and are allowed to play. If your teaching involves laboratory experiment or build and test type sessions, and you have thought about the pedagogy associated with these activities, we would love to hear about your work.