Below are links, with brief descriptions, to OER that have been developed at the University of Sheffield.


Science and Technology of Low Carbon Design is a textbook intended to act as a general introduction to architectural science, for students and practitioners of architecture, civil and building services engineering. The aim of this book is to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to support the low Carbon design of new buildings and the renovation of existing buildings.

Introducing Mathematical Biology is a textbook published on the Sheffield Pressbooks Network aimed at anyone who is interested in learning about how to model biological systems, including undergraduate and postgraduate mathematics students who have not studied mathematical biology before, life-sciences students with an interest in modelling, and post-16 mathematics students interested in university-level material.

Basic English for Teaching Korean is a textbook published on the University's figshare instance (ORDA) and is aimed at Korean teachers whose native language is not English and who plan to work in an English-speaking country. 


PyClim is web app that was designed to support architectural and engineering students access a global climate data resource and to graphically analyse this for their desired location to support bioclimatic design. 


The Graduate Teaching Assistant Development Programme contains guidance and a file pack that you can download, use and adapt for your own training of GTAs.