OER Workflow

The University of Sheffield's suggested OER workflow is comprised of seven stages and up to two iterative loops. The first of these loops relates to the standard process of review and refinement leading up to the release of a first or subsequent edition of an educational resource. The second draws on the versatility of digital open resources. Being readily updated and published, these can grow organically as they are enhanced in breadth and/or depth, perhaps in response to users' feedback.  


Conduct background research to ensure that you select or acquire the platform that best matches your needs:


Discuss your OER proposal with your Director of Education:

Gain the skills, knowledge and resources to enable you to effectively developed your OER:


Develop the content of your OER:


Finesse the look and feel of your OER, ensuring that it is complete, polished and easily extendible; (note that this finessing is intended to be undertaken by the authoring team for the authoring team, prior to external peer review):


Solicit peers to independently review the content and usability of your OER, ammending and extending as necessary:


Release your OER to the public, monitor usage analytics and establish mechanisms to gather continuous feedback (completeness, correctness and understandability) :


Based on the acquired feedback (or in response to your own strategy to progressively enhance the breadth/depth of your resource), enhance, update and extend your OER as appropriate. Release (and manage) updates to the public at suitable discrete time intervals: