D'Geschicht vum Superham

Et war eemol op engem Bauerenhaff...

D'Studentinnen Natalie an Honor waren déi éischt, déi 2017/18 eng Geschicht am Kader vun hirem Lëtzebuergesch Cours geschriwwen hunn. Ganz kreativ hu si een Universum mat Personnagen erfonnt, deen sech op engem Bauerenhaff ofspillt. Mee opgepasst - net all d'Déieren op dësem Bauerenhaff si normal...

Hei fannt dir den Text vun der Geschicht, an ee Commentaire vum Honor op Englesch.

Superham Geschicht Blog.pdf

Commentaire vum Honor Wroe:

As with many projects, the making of Superham was a creative process which included several stages of development. Superham made the journey from storyboard to a piece that could be included in a storybook, or website. The inspiration for Superham stems from a number of emojis, which were used in the storyboard phase, and these were developed into plot points. The emojis have also been incorporated into the story as a visual aid for readers.

Both Superham and the stories written by other students are important additions to literature and learning resources in Luxembourgish. At some stage, the stories have enabled authors and those engaging with them, the chance to use one or more of the following capabilities: reading, writing, speaking and listening, which play an integral part in language learning.