Contact us

Have you found our resources helpful? Have you integrated any of our findings into your practice? Let us know! 

Dr Lauren White


Lauren is a lecturer in social research methods based in the Sheffield Methods Institute. She is particularly interested in participatory, creative methods and co-production. Her work focuses on experiences of health, illness and disability. Lauren cares about creative, meaningful participation and engagement in both research and teaching contexts. 


Dr Vicky Grant 


Vicky is a librarian with a specialist interest in libraries as sites of transformative learning, narrative inquiries and information creation as a process. 


Dr Will Mason 


Will is a senior lecturer in qualitative methods at the Sheffield Methods Institute. His work focuses on youth and community work, critical methodologies and community-based participatory approaches. Will’s teaching is closely informed by an ethic of care. He is also interested in the transformative possibility of enjoyment in learning and teaching contexts.


Grace Cleary 


Grace acted as the Liberation Officer for the Sheffield Student's Union (SU). Grace is interested in widening participation, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and accessibility. She wants to see a higher education system that values individuality and encourages students to consider interdisciplinary subjects, and for universities to offer more flexible programmes of study.


Alison Romaine 


Alison was Education Officer at Sheffield SU for the past year. She is interested in the transformative value of inclusive and creative education that is based on learning as process, communities of care and messier experimentation - rather than a system driven by classified, market-based and individualistc outcomes. She is also interested in how holistic alternatives and changes to the HE system can better support learner's positive wellbeing, rather being detrimental to it.

Shona Tulloch 


Shona has been a part of the elected Students’ Union Officer team for the past two years, first as the Liberation Officer and then as the Disabled Students’ Officer whilst finishing their degree in Hispanic studies. They are a passionate activist, and want to see truly equitable, inclusive, decolonised and ambitious practises within a higher education that centers marginalised lived experiences.