Phase 3a

The phase 3a Community and Public Health rotation is a seven-week rotation in which students are attached to a General Practice surgery. It is designed to provide students with a broad and immersive experience of medical care delivered in the community.

During the Phase 3a placement students will spend three days per week on placement at a General Practice surgery. The students gain a broad experience by spending time with multiple health care professionals in the community setting.

In addition to the clinical placement, students have teaching at the university each Thursday which is a combination of seminars and small group tutorials. The Public Health aspect of the rotation is delivered through these sessions.

Phase 3A Overview

3A rotations 2020.docx

Phase 3A Handbook

phase3a community and public health handbook 2020.doc

Rotation Dates

Module 3a dates.docx

Week Outline

A typical 3A student timetable.docx


Tutor Resources

"Phase 3a Quote" - To be provided.