Communication skills

At present, students are offered communication skills sessions with simulated patients in Phase 2B and Phase 3B. There are 3 sessions in 2B and 3 sessions in 3B. These are 1.5hrs in small groups of 4-6 students, facilitated by a GP tutor. Students are taught how to develop their communication using the Calgary-Cambridge framework, focusing on initiating the session and information gathering in 2B, and incorporating the remainder of the model with explanation and planning and closing the session in 3B. There is an additional session in 3B on consulting with interpreters. The communication skills curriculum is under review to be enhanced and updated information will be shared once available.

Communication Skills Overview

Introduction to communication skills - P1.pdf

Tutor Handbook


Phase 2b Tutor Handbook

Phase 2b Tutor Handbook 2020.doc

Interpreters Handbook


"Communications Skills Quote" - to be provided.