
Reliable access to energy, in particular electricity, often reduces the time people spend on everyday tasks. This means that they can engage in other activities such as education, employment and entertainment, thereby improving their quality of life. Energy is an essential requirement for human development and the eradication of poverty. However, most of our energy comes from finite fossil fuels and there is a significant global challenge to balance our energy demands against the associated environmental impacts.

The residents of Makers Valley use energy for many domestic activities including cooking, lighting, heating, cooling and powering various appliances like washing machines, fridges and televisions. Energy provision is also important in driving industrial and economic activities in the area.

Electricity provision is unreliable and people in Makers valley struggle to afford expensive energy bills, often opting for less safe options. Can you provide solutions that may address this need for low-cost energy that is safe to use?

12. Energy reliability and cost

Electricity is a major household expense for people living in Makers Valley. Furthermore, frequent blackouts are an issue in Johannesburg. Can you propose alternative methods of electricity provision that address these issues?

13. Energy-efficient appliances

Residents of Makers Valley avoid using their appliances because of expensive energy bills and adopt less safe options. Can you propose safer, energy efficient appliances which could be used?

14. Hot water

Many homes in Makers Valley do not have hot water. Can you suggest ideas to make affordable hot water available to everyone in Makers Valley?

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