
Digital technologies facilitate the movement of information and our ability to communicate for educational, social, economic and political purposes. These technologies comes in many forms such as radios, televisions, computers, internet networks, mobiles and mobile platforms, data loggers and sensors, small data and big data.

Global trends and forecasted changes associated with the increasing use of digital technologies are likely to impact day to day life in Makers Valley just as elsewhere in the world. For example, the number of people taking responsibility for their own education through using digital platforms is expected to accelerate and perhaps even compete with existing methods of education. In addition, there is a worry that with the rise of digital technology, people may become more isolated as the amount of physical communication drops.

In Makers Valley, mobile phone usage is high as network coverage is good and most people have access to a phone. A significant percentage of the population uses smartphones. Before 2016, free public WiFi at bus stops was available and popular, but now there is a lack of publicly available WiFi so people are reliant on mobile data. Although expensive, 4G is available on most of the networks and digital platforms are becoming part of daily life, for example Uber is available and frequently used for getting around by the more affluent in Johannesburg. Makers Valley is largely a cash economy, however, the increase in availability of digital technologies has allowed a few options to pay for products by card.

People in Makers Valley have a number of existing ideas and initiatives to use digital technology to catalyse change. What ideas can you come up with to add to the innovation already taking place in Makers Valley?

In addition to the briefs below, digital projects can also incorporate addressing any issues in other design areas.

15. Digital infrastructure monitoring

Much of the civil engineering infrastructure in Makers Valley is ageing and in need of maintenance. Can a digital system help to do this in an effective and cost-efficient manner?

16. Connecting the community [*1]

The next generation are key to Makers Valley’s aim of ensuring that the existing community are part of the economic regeneration that is happening. Makers Valley is increasingly host to events and new businesses bringing in people from all over Johannesburg. One example is the Makers Way Project, which is facilitating interventions and activities to improve the overall services provided by public roads. Can digital technologies help to improve the relationship between the local community and the changes happening in Makers Valley? Can you propose ways in which digital technologies and/or physical infrastructure could engage local youth and ensure the community are connected with the makers' movement and integrated into changes occurring in Makers Valley?

17. Personal safety [*1]

Personal safety and security are key issues throughout Johannesburg and Makers Valley suffers from this too. Many muggings occur, particularly at night. Can you propose any ideas to improve general road and pedestrian safety and to make pedestrian walkways more inclusive of people with disabilities? Is there a way digital can reduce this risk for residents and visitors alike?

18. Digital travel info [*1]

Local minibus taxis are widely used throughout Makers Valley. Can you suggest any ideas for design interventions for minibus taxis and their routes to provide users with estimated times of arrival, or increase the efficiency of the service?

19. Pollution reduction [*1]

Makers Valley suffers from air pollution caused by the many vehicles on the road. Can you propose any ideas to help reduce pollution, or the health impacts of pollution, in Makers Valley?

4. Water crime [*2]

Water access can be affected by lack of payment. If residents fail to pay their bills, the municipal water company will shut off the connection to the house. Where a connection is shut off but physically exposed, people will occasionally tap the connection illegally to gain water access, or will use their neighbour's water supply. Can you propose a solution to prevent water connections from being tapped illegally?

20. Automated disease surveillance service [*3]

Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and chikungunya and other vector-borne diseases such as bilharzia are present in South Africa. Can you design a system that alerts people, when there is a risk of contracting a disease (when, where and which disease)?

21. (Smart) green spaces [*4]

Green space is a really important part of making urban spaces positive living and working environments. The population of Makers Valley is growing rapidly, this is putting pressure of the green spaces available to the community for recreation and other purposes. Population growth also causes pressure on food, both in terms of availability and cost. Can you propose a strategy that could increase the food security of Makers Valley, whilst providing a green space that is available to the community for recreation or well-being.

One way people can enhance food production is by maximising yield using greenhouses. However, this leads to two problems: providing the perfect growing conditions, while reliably and affordably powering such a system is difficult; and typically, greenhouses do not provide quality green space for well-being. Are there smart technologies you can embed to maximise the benefit of green spaces for either food security or well-being?

Can you propose ideas that are inclusive of what’s happening in Makers Valley to ensure green space is an integral part of its growth and future?

For information and case studies explore the EWB website*

Useful links to get started (they are using digital systems to monitor their solar PV electricity generation) (They train their students to use a new paperless management system for local construction and plumbing businesses) (This group are proposing to use digital systems to monitor the river water levels)

For digital projects 20 and 21 (John Quinn's website - Data scientist working on disease monitoring) (mapping infectious diseases) (monitoring crop diseases)

[*1] More background information for these projects can be found in the transport brief area

[*2] More background information for these projects can be found in the water brief area

[*3] More background information for these projects can be found in the sanitation brief area

[*4] More background information for these projects can be found in the built environment brief area

*you will need to create a login to view the EWB pages