Equal Opportunities Fund

If you had an extra £300 to spend exclusively on your career goals, how would you use it? Well get thinking because that's exactly what we are giving you! In this blog, we will cover the most frequently asked questions so you can apply with ease.

What is the 'Equal Opportunities Fund'?

The 'Equal Opportunities Fund' is an exclusive opportunity for Equal Opportunities students to apply for up to £300 every year, to aid activities that boost your employability. We typically open the fund twice a year to applications, giving you double the chance to get involved. 

"Applying for the fund has allowed me to upskill in a different area of finance which is not taught as part of my course. This has subsequently allowed me to go on and secure an internship with PwC this summer"

Equal Opportunities Fund recipient, Autumn 2023. 

What can I apply the money towards?

The money is to help you overcome the financial barrier it can take to access activities and services that would support your career goals. This could be: travel to an interview or an assessment centre, buying your first professional outfit for an employer event, or admittance to a conference. For a full list of applicable opportunities, head to our website. 

How do I apply for the fund?

To apply, head to this form. Once you have filled out your personal details, the form will ask you to state what you intend to use the fund for and explain how this will benefit your employability journey, in around 250 words.

Can I apply only if I have an opportunity in mind?

Yes, all applications should explain what it is they are applying and how the funding will better their employability. For example, a final interview for a placement year is taking place in-person and without the funding, you'd not be able to afford travel to the location, missing out on the opportunity to interview for the role and secure a placement. If you 

What was the most popular reason students applied for the fund previously?

Definitely access to LinkedIn Premium and the need for professional clothing to attend networking and conference events, were the clear favourites!

Any advice on what makes a great application? 

"We aren't looking to reject applications and want as many eligible students to apply, so as long as you can clearly explain how your chosen opportunity will benefit your employability, we are most likely going to grant the funding" - Orla, Funding Administrator.

I've already applied this year but didn't claim the full amount. Can I apply again?

Absolutely! If you have another opportunity that you would like to access and haven't used the full £300, you can apply for the fund. Bare in mind, if your opportunity costs more than the remainder of your allowance, we can only top up to a maximum of £300 for the academic year. However, your allowance will reset to £300 at the beginning of every year of your undergraduate degree. 

I'd like to apply for two separate opportunities such as LinkedIn and professional clothing. What can I do?

If you have two opportunities you'd like to apply for, or two ways that would aid your access to an opportunity, please fill out the form separately for each one. This isn't because we would accept one and not the other, but allows us to keep clear how many ways the fund is being utilised. 

"The fund has made a huge difference as I was able to take part in activities I wouldn’t have been able to afford without it." 

Equal Opportunities recipient, Autumn 2023.

If you are still feeling unsure about where to start or if your opportunity is right before applying, please get in touch at:
