Enrichment Series

We asked you where you felt most stuck in your employability goals, and we received a heap of suggestions. There was a clear message: you felt uncertain about taking the next steps in your career journey and wanted clearer guidance on feeling confident in the workplace.

Out of this, the Enrichment Series was created, with the key aim of providing you with high-quality information so you can feel confident going into your next work opportunity.

What is the 'Enrichment Series'?

The 'Enrichment Series' is a 3-week-long workshop series starting on March 7th, giving over 9,000 Equal Opportunities students the exclusive opportunity to boost your career confidence and feel ready to start exploring your employability. 

Sounds amazing! Where and when are the sessions happening?

All three sessions will occur every Thursday in March, beginning on March 7th. They will be conducted in person at Workroom 3 in The Diamond building, situated on the 2nd floor. Remember to bring your U-card for access! Sessions will run during lunchtime from 1 pm to 2 pm, and we'll provide free lunch vouchers valid at any on-campus University food venue. 

Do I need to attend all 3 workshops?

Absolutely, we would love to see as many familiar faces throughout the series, as we aim to foster a community of like-minded students. Each workshop will cover a different topic, so we encourage you to attend as many as pique your interest. However, we understand that many of us have other commitments. If there are sessions you would like to attend but aren't able to, please get in touch with us via the email careers-equalopportunities@sheffield.ac.uk. 

What will each session include?

Demystifying Your First 'Proper' Job March 7th 1 pm to 2 pm

If the thought of transitioning to your first professional job, whether it be an internship, placement, or graduate role, fills you with overwhelm, this is the session you need to attend! Uncover the secrets behind workplace culture, covering everything from what to wear on your first day to effective time management techniques. 

A Guide to Confidence in Disability Disclosure 14th March 1pm-2pm 

As a candidate with a disability, each of us may feel differently about when to disclose our disability to an employer. This session will explore the significance of initiating 'that' conversation with a potential employer and outline the support they can provide, ensuring your success in your new role. Lydia, a current Masters student, will share her experiences with disability in the workplace and lead a Q&A session at the end. 

Mastering Your Personal Brand 21st March 1pm-2pm 

We've all come across the term 'personality hire.' However, in the era of social media, it's becoming evident that defining your personal brand and understanding what you can bring to an employer before applying can set you apart and land you the job. Additionally, you'll gain insights into five top tips for optimising your LinkedIn profile.