Resources to Inspire

Online and in-person resources 


A range of podcasts covering a multitude of startup and founder based topics.   These will inspire, encourage you into action, and maybe even give you the boldness to begin your startup journey.  

We'd love to hear what you enjoy most!

Link to podcasts 

Sheffield Digital 

The association for the people and businesses of Sheffield's digital industries.  

You can join their community by adding yourself to their Slack journey.


Start your Friday with #GeekBrekky, a very informal meet-up over breakfast on Friday mornings, at the lovely Howst Cafe. Folks usually show up around 9am and stay as long as they like - everyone is welcome. It's a great opportunity to get together, chat about what's new, make new contacts, share ideas, eat great food and drink even better coffee. You don't need to book - you can just turn up!

Emerge Community

Promotional Videos - Motion Exercise 

Motion Exercise

In the summer of 2023, the Motion Exercise team with former Emerge intern Zeezy Qureshi shared their insights as to their founder journey and the opportunity students have to create a startup whilst at the University of Sheffield.


In the summer of 2023, Phlux co-founder Ben spoke to the Emerge Team about his spinout business that develops high-tech sensors that he hopes will transform an entire industry.  Hear his journey.

TUOS Enterprise groups

CommLaw Clinic

CommLaw is a student-led pro bono project which prepares and delivers free commercial legal advice to social and commercial enterprises, startups and small businesses in Sheffield.   Get in touch and book an appointment with their clinic to discuss any of your legal concerns, for free.     

iForge Makerspace

The iForge is run by students who volunteer their time and energy managing the Main Space in the Diamond and working behind the scenes to continually improve what the iForge can offer you.  A diverse community of highly motivated and friendly students here to help you make your ideas into reality.

Print and Creative Services

The team support and partner with the University community by combining print expertise and creative intelligence. They underpin core objectives to deliver results that add value and enhance the University reputation.   Need help with your brand identity or printing flyers?  Speak to the team.