Staying Safe 

At the Sheffield College we want to give you all the best advice and support to ensure that you and your friends are safe. There are lots of ways to stay safe, this part of the site aims to give you the best top tips for staying safe in college, online and other environments.

At the Sheffield College we want to give you all the best advice and support to ensure that you and your friends are safe. There are lots of ways to stay safe, this part of the site aims to give you the best top tips for staying safe in college, online and other environments.

Staying Safe Online

This academic year there will be far more learning and interacting with others than ever before. This is why it is really important to stay safe online! We have created some guidance and are sharing some videos we'd like you to watch. These resources are designed to support your safety. Please remember that we are always here to help. If you ever feel unsafe or are worried about the safety of others, you must let your Personal Tutor know. 

Staying safe Online 22-23
Staying Safe Online

Advice on Safeguarding at the Sheffield College

Safeguarding is about the ways students can stay safe whilst studying and how to report issues if they do not feel safe. 

[3197] induction-material-safeguarding_d2.pdf

Staying Safe Online

Arguably, this maybe a period of time when we are online more then any other period in the future. This is why it is really important to stay safe online. We use the internet from working, socializing and shopping. Therefore, we need to stay safe online by following the right advice and tips.

Staying Safe Online (personal security)- Movie

These are some great for quick tips on setting your security on your mobile devices and staying safe.

Staying safe

how to tell if a relationship is unhealthy? 

Throughout our lives we form many different types of relationships with different types of people. Often these relationships are based on trust, respect, and love. An unhealthy relationship is one were a person seeks to control somebody else through the use of control, manipulation, and violence. An unhealthy relationship is often very complicated and can take different forms. Therefore, it is important in this tutorial to spot the signs of an unhealthy relationship and understand how to seek support if you feel this affects you or someone you know?  

A short video to explain what domestic violence is and how you can seek help?

A short article about how to understand domestic abuse? 

An hour long drama created by the BBC- Is this Coercive Control?

Coercive control is a pattern of behaviour by an abuser to harm, punish or frighten their victim. It’s been illegal since 2015, but would we be able to spot it if we saw it happening? 

At the Sheffield College we want to give you all the best advice and support to ensure that you and your friends are safe. Exploitation is a criminal activity that anyone can be targeted and subjected to. These short advice videos are deigned to highlight to you when this maybe happening. If you or another student feel that this is a topic that is personally impacting upon you, please speak to your tutor.

What is criminal exploitation?

Criminal exploitation is child abuse where children and young people are manipulated and coerced into committing crimes.The power point below is designed to help you understand the different forms of exploitation that used and how young people are often targeted.

How is a young person exploited?

The video below 'exploited' highlights how easy it is for anyone to be a victim of exploitation. When watching the video, look at the following themes: Relationships- how do they start and how do they change? Behavior: how do the gang members behave and how does this change? Friendships: how is this used to exploit you people? Promises- how are promises used to encourage unwanted behavior? 

What is an example of grooming?

The short video 'chicken shop grooming' is a text message conversation between a gang member and the young person they are trying to recruit. Look at:how the following develop: what is the relationship? Are there any gifts being given? What are the favors? How does the behavior of the gang member change? 

How do gangs use social media to groom young people and what to be aware of?

The video is an interview with criminologist and urban youth specialist Craig Pinkney from University College Birmingham to talk about serious youth violence. How does he highlight the way in which gang members use social media to identify and recruit gang members. Again, he highlights the same theme of belonging, which is often used to exploit. 

Our priority is your safety. This session was created to try and help you identify the risks, signs and themes. Exploitation could happen to anyone, it is about understanding how it can happen. If you feel that you or another student is being exploited, please contact your tutor. 


Part of staying safe is making sure that you are aware of the dangers of radicalization and extremism. Its really important that you have you understand the issues, how to report issues and how to stay safe. This power point gives you the basics of what PREVENT is and lets you know how you can report concerns.

Safeguarding and Prevent induction 2022-23

Going to Far- Student Session

The first attachment below is to an interactive session which you can undertake independently. This session is titled 'Going toFar' and has lots of useful short videos on: staying safe online, the Law on using the internet, and further links to organisations who can support issues you may encounter. The Session gets you thinking about who you maybe speaking to? What you maybe sharing? Why people maybe communicating with you online? Its a really accessible and informative session. Themes in the session explore extremism and radicalization. Make sure you click pupil mode on the top left of the screen.