

Mr John Bradfield — Head of Department, Mathematics

Mr Neil Rosenberg — Teacher of Accounting


The key skills and language required to understand accounting are looked at. Giving students an introduction into how the finances of a business are structured and reported.

Numeracy and Financial Mathematics

Many of the recently developed Financial Capability standards have been blended into the courses offered over Year 11 to Year 13. These standards cover core skills including budgeting, goal setting, investment and insurance. This keeps the mathematics grounded in a clearly practical context.


Mathematics looks to build a range of thinking skills in students. While some topics show how mathematics is applied in the real world e.g. percentages and taxation. Other topics focus on building up the ability to think in an abstract way and lay the foundation for more complex mathematical applications.


The purpose of studying calculus is to introduce your mind to the scientific method of analysis, practical problems identified, explanations generated and logical solutions selected. The development of clear logic, reasoning and the ability to work with formula and more complex graphical models are invaluable skills for in-demand women in science and technology.


We live in a time of constantly increasing availability of information. Add to this the emergence of alternate facts. Being able to decide what we should believe and what we should discard is crucial. Statistics helps students develop the key skills needed to interpret statistics.