Physical Education
Year 9
Year 9 Physical Education introduces learners to a range of physical and interpersonal skills that will be essential for not only higher levels of Physical Education and Outdoor Education but for all group processes and learning environments. Our focus is on developing learners holistically rather than solely emphasising physical competence.
In year 9, students will have two lessons of PE a week. One lesson is a core PE class where they will have the same teacher in their set class for the year. The other lesson will rotate through three module units across the course of the year. These modules are swimming, fitness and gymnastics.
Course Focus
sports education and leadership skills
social responsibility
Nga Mahi a te Rehia
interpersonal skills
sports specific skills
understanding of fitness requirements
team games in dynamic environments
new and indigenous games
Course Contributions: Course cost: $50 pool entry (may be subject to change)