Kindergarten Art

Some Extra Spring Art Lessons For Fun On Your Own

Hello Mr. Walker's Kindergarten class! ;0)

If you have free time and want something to do, have some fun drawing a Spring image showing the nice warm weather and beautiful flowers after the cold dark winter! 

Click on the image to the left and it will bring you to an audio book reading of Mouse's First Spring that you can enjoy too!

Enjoy drawing them!  Stay well!  ;0)

Ms. Futerko 

Our Springtime Adventure:  imagine that it is a warm sunny beautiful day and you're out for a walk with your family.  You step over a log on your adventure and a bright color beneath the log catches your eye.  You roll over the log and you stare in wonder at your discovery!  

Draw a picture to share your discovery with anyone you please.  You can also click on the picture to the left and pllay the audio book reading for Welcome Back Spring!

Hello Mr. Walker's Kindergarten class! ;0)

This is for holiday fun when you have you feel like doing a little extra challenge when you have free time.  

Challenge:  Draw a new way that Santa can deliver presents into a house with no chimney and a locked door!.

Enjoy solving this challenge!

Ms. Futerko