Terms of use
By using this site, you agree to the following terms of use. Edmonton Public Schools reserves the right, at any time and without prior notification, to modify, alter, or update sections of these terms. Continued use of this site confirms that you agree to the most current version of these terms.
The text, images, graphics, audio, design, and/or software on SchoolZone are the property of Edmonton Public Schools or its suppliers and are protected by copyright laws. Edmonton Public Schools grants you permission to view, download, and print publicly accessible contents of SchoolZone for personal use as long as copyright and trademark notices are kept intact. Any redistribution of any materials herein is strictly prohibited.
Users agree not to modify, rent, lease, sell, distribute, mirror, imitate the design elements of, or create derivative works based on SchoolZone, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from Edmonton Public Schools.
Control of the Web site
It is the nature of SchoolZone for content to change on a regular basis as school staff update available information. Users should check this site often to view the most up-to-date information.
EPS will do its best to notify users of major modifications to the site, if such changes are necessary.
Access Restrictions
Edmonton Public Schools may terminate or restrict access to SchoolZone, at any time, if
• A student's registration at a district school lapses, or
• A change in legal guardianship alters a student's registration at a participating school.
It is the district's intention to make SchoolZone available to users at any time but there may be interruptions to service for such matters as upgrades and routine maintenance.
Appropriate Use of SchoolZone
A user's login ID and password are private. As such, users should not let others use their ID and password. If a user suspects that someone knows their password, they should contact the Webmaster immediately. School administration and an individual student's teacher(s) have access to the ID, Password and contents of SchoolZone.
Accuracy of Information
Information relating to student achievement, report cards, project grades etc. is provided within SchoolZone for convenience only. It does not serve to replace the student's in school record.
In the unlikely event that there is a discrepancy between SchoolZone and the student's in school record, information contained in the student's in school record is considered correct.
Privacy and Security
Secure access to SchoolZone is provided through a personalized user ID and password.
Information is transmitted through SSL (Secure Socket Layers) with 128 bit encryption. Sensitive information is kept behind a secure firewall.
Edmonton Public Schools takes reasonable precautions to ensure a student's privacy through observance of Alberta's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the district-wide privacy statement. This Web site will only be available to teachers, students, parents and legal guardians of students. Information is not in the public domain.
To maintain the security of your SchoolZone session, Edmonton Public Schools recommends that users use the logout button in the top right hand corner when finished with a session. There is also a 30 minute delayed timeout that will occur after no activity is detected.
The operation of SchoolZone requires that cookies be placed on your computer. The cookies do not collect or report personal information about the user in any way, but allow SchoolZone to identify users when they login to the portal.
Login use is monitored for the purpose of tracking system usage to ensure adequate technical resources are available to parents and students, and to allow teachers to know the frequency of use by students and parents.
Links to Third Party Web sites
SchoolZone provides links to third party Web sites. We do not control the content of those sites and do not vouch for the quality, legality or suitability of any information, services, or products they provide. Edmonton Public Schools does not guarantee the quality or suitability of products advertised on or provided by third party sites.
Links that are outside the Edmonton Public Schools Web site will open in a new browser window. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy and terms of use of the new site. We encourage you to view the privacy policy and disclaimers of the new site you are going to.
Edmonton Public Schools makes every effort to ensure that links are current and accessible. However, if a user should find a broken link, please report this to SchoolZone.
Using SchoolZone to access Google Apps for Education
Edmonton Public Schools provides access to and manages Google Apps for Education accounts for staff and students in the division. These secure, online applications allow staff and students to communicate and collaborate using Google powered email, calendars, document sharing, and websites. These applications are different from public Google applications (such as Gmail) in that they are managed by the Division, do not include any advertising, and have more strict filtering and content controls.
Where is the data stored?
Student data (student attendance, schedule, grades, etc.) are stored on SchoolZone file servers inside the EPSB network. Student files (e.g. essays, presentations, email, etc.) are stored on Google’s servers outside of the district.