The 18th Singapore-Hong Kong Exchange Programme 2019

13th July, 2019 was a memorable day for our S.2 students as they headed for the Lion City for the 18th Singapore-Hong Kong Exchange Programme, jointly organised by the education bureaux of the two cities. For the next 8 days, they had a busy schedule in and outside school to experience the everyday life and culture of this small but vibrant country of multiple races and languages.

Our students went to their Singaporean buddy’s school for daily classes and other activities. There, they had new experiences of having lessons in classrooms without air-conditioning, eating in the school canteen with tuck shops selling food from various ethnicities, visiting the on-site bookstore from which they may buy the textbooks they used, to name just a few. Some of them were also lucky enough to learn how to play hockey, barbecue chicken wings with their new friends and use their mobile phone during lessons, things that students in Hong Kong can hardly do.

When school finished, our students spent their free time with their buddy and his/her family. They became a typical adventurous tourist, roaming places like Little India, The Jewel, Chinatown and Sentosa, trying local food like nasi padang and kaya toast, and buying Singapore’s signature souvenirs like pandan cake and crispy salted egg fish skin!

Unfortunately, the return visit by the Singaporean friends was cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak. Nevertheless, the fond memories of those 8 days in Singapore and the friendships built will remain in everyone’s heart.