
School History

Founding of the School

In 1991 a preparatory committee laid the groundwork for our school, which was aimed to relieve pressure from the overenrolled elementary schools in the vicinity and improve education quality. A new school was also aligned with the Zhongli and Pingzhen Urban Program. After three years of preparation, our school welcomed its first students in 194.

Teaching Philosophy 

Firm in our belief in Rooted in Taiwan, Cherishing our Home, Caring for Education, Ready for the World, we uphold the philosophy of Students First, Education Before All Else, Supportive Management, Parent Engagement, Life-long learning. Following our operational compass of Simplicity, Substance, Solidity, Straightforward, we achieve our goal of Everything for the Students, Everything for Education, and complete our educational ideal of The Principal Contemplates, the Teachers Collaborate, the Students Concentrate, the Parents Feel Great, and Society is Passionate.