Class Attendance

Quick & easy attendance records for your class/club, etc. from your phone

Start with your spreadsheet--the same one that you use for the pre-filled link we used earlier.

  • Just highlight the column of names in the spreadsheet & copy.
  • Go to your form and click on the first option in the question where you want the names.
  • Paste. Voila! All the items on your list appear as options in that question.
  • Add the last option as "All present."
  • Be sure to choose "checkboxes" to answer the question. Checkboxes allows you to mark more than one option.

See the 2 sheets of paper pictured next to the trashcan on the question you just finished?

  • Click the 2 sheets to duplicate your question. Now you can change "Absent" to "Tardy" and the list of names is the same.
  • Just in case a miracle occurs and no one is tardy, don't mark this question as "required."
  • OR change "All present" to "No one late."

Now you're ready to add it to the home screen of your phone/ipad.

  • Sign in to Google drive app on Safari on your phone.
  • Open the form, then go to "live form"; that is, you're no longer editing the form.
  • Below the live form, there is a send button (or email it to yourself, then go to form). This will show up if you're looking at the live form on Safari browser.
  • Now "add to home screen." You now have a super convenient button on your phone for taking class attendance.
  • You can use this method for anything you want to have at your fingertips. Just remember to access it through Safari, then add to home screen. Your very own app!