Visual Arts

SISC Creatives

Piece 1

As students, we are all individually unique with our equally unique ideas. Failure to understand someone else's just because of our judgement of their gender leaves one less great idea from being shared. Our goal is to be able to make a difference to the world; to solve the remaining issues that have not been solved until now. By disregarding our biases against gender, we can communicate ideas for a better world.

By: Mizuki M. Hosokawa

Piece 2

In this drawing, two students look the same and that means all students must be treated equally. However, because of the labels that differentiate the gender, it seems that they are different. The text in the drawing is questionable since there are people who are not provided with equal rights and opportunities as students because of their gender, but they are fundamentally students who have the right to learn.

By: Yerin Kim

Piece 3

This drawing shows two mannequins, one boy and one girl. Each of them wears school uniforms to represent their gender and their identity as a student (learning environments). The spotlight in the drawing lights up both mannequins and shows that both of them receive light equally, emphasizing that they are able to shine when receiving the same light.

By: Jiwon Jin

Piece 4

Simple actions can show gender inequality. It starts from childhood, where adults shape a child’s view of the world. Teachers would ask for help from the boys to carry chairs or notebooks, while the girls would stay at the side. The drawing shows a guy and a girl. The girl’s features are soft, while the guy’s features are rougher. In a way, it shows how the two genders are portrayed in society, not just in learning environments. The guy does all the physical work, and the girl is just there. The guy has to be tough, and the girl has to be poised and pretty.

By: Keithly Nicole Rubillos

Piece 5

Gender inequality starts with stereotypes. People build prejudice based on their social or cultural mindset and preferences. This illustration intends to emphasize that gender equality begins with one’s perceptions. The person seated would be judged according to the actions and clothing. The observer may presume him or her as a male or female based on what they believe is proper. Gender equality would only be realized if one is free to express themselves without being discriminated against. Everyone must be respected in their personal decisions including their clothing and fashion preferences.

By: SeoJeong Park

Individual Submission

Study Jungle

By: Shelley Pelayo