Peer Coaching

We are so excited to bring the Peer Coaching Elective to St Francis Xavier School! Through this experiential class, students learned about inclusion and learning disabilities. They researched a specific disability and role played how to help a student with that condition. They were trained on helping students without enabling, confidentiality, and modeling appropriate behavior. After 2 weeks of training, students go to individual classrooms to coach different peers. They help students that have disabilities and those that do not. Peer coaches take their lead from the teacher and help those in greatest need at the time. Students are also taught to focus on their own growth as individuals, which they documented in their weekly activity log. Here is a sampling of their reflections:

How did you grow?

I learned that all students learn in different ways for example one student could need you to go step by step with them and the next could need you to draw a picture of the math problem for them. Everyone learns in different ways and this experience taught me that.

-Molly Markham SFX '19

What did I learn?

  • I learned that it takes a lot of patience to be a teacher.
  • I learned how to properly help the kids (guide them towards the right answer instead of doing it for them).
  • I learned how to stay on task myself because quite often I wanted to talk to the kids when they were talking to me.

-Maggie Wentworth SFX '19

What was a challenge for you?

Helping kids who struggle at something you are trying to teach can be frustrating, but I had to learn to be patient and understand the way they learn.

-Thomas Haak SFX '19

What is God's view of people with disabilities?

I think that God's point of view of people that have disabilities is that they are like any other person because everyone is unique in their own way. He thinks that everyone is equal in his own eyes and perfect the way they are.

-Aurora Sanchez SFX '19

What does "with great freedom comes great responsibility" mean?

We have the power of education, so we have the responsibility to make the world a better place.

-Grace Wilson SFX '19

How did you grow?

I learned how to approach problems in different ways depending on how the student learns, how to calm down students when they get too rowdy, and most importantly, what is is like to be a teacher where you can impact the student learning path. I learned many things about myself too, such as learning to be more patient, wise, and humble towards others. Peer Coaching to me is more than just an elective.

-John Ross Wichterman, SFX '19

What is God's view of people with disabilities?

I think God's view on people with disabilities or challenges is that theses people are extra unique and I think God made them this way not by mistake, but because God knows that these people are strong and can handle the challenge. I think that God knows that these people will be and do amazing things in the world.

-Riley Ward, SFX '19

What did you learn?

Having this fun experience helped me gain the confidence to know that I can apply my everyday skills to help younger kids. I really loved fourth grade and learned how to be a better friend as well. I learned how to connect with younger kids and become an idol for others. I never realized how much I could be an impact on a kid's life and came to the realization that I can have as much power to make differences on a kid's life as I would like.

-Camila Uribe SFX '19

How did you grow?

Through the peer coaching experience, I became more patient, understanding, and better at explaining things. I feel like these are all valuable traits to have, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to work on them this trimester.

-Maggie Rich SFX '19

What is God's view of people with disabilities?

I think God picked those people because they are strong enough to handle the disabilities, and He believes in all of us. We are a perfect the way we are, and no one needs to change. God has a plan for all of us, and He loves all of us equally.

-Lauren Vanderwey SFX '19

How did you grow?

I also feel more confident when it comes to talking to new people. Bonding with the students helped a great deal in this. I know this because after getting to know the students, I was able to become a better teacher.

-Tiffany Weddell SFX '19

What did you learn?

I helped a student with his final copy. He told me that he uses my tips I gave him and that made me happy. I learned and strengthened being patient and not trying to hold his hand but just guide him.

-Michael Chandler SFX '19

What do you want to share with the next peer coach?

Throughout this elective I have learned a lot. This has changed me. These kids start to become closer and make you feel better. They have a place in your heart that you won’t ever forget. All of their sweet personalities always make me smile and happy. I learned to be more patient with them. They will make you laugh and always make you look forward to coming.

-Emmy Losada SFX '19