Meet the Thurgood Marshall Counselors

Ms. Alvarez Santos 

Head Counselor for Newcomer Pathways 


Phone: 628.900.2841

Hola! I'm Mrs. Alvarez Santos, the Spanish bilingual Head Counselor for our Newcomer Pathways.  I absolutely love what I do and I’m very excited to be at Thurgood Marshall this year and work with our newcomer students and families. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need assistance.  

Ms. Williams 

Head Counselor for General Ed. Pathway 

Hello, my name is Ms. Williams and I support our General Education students and families.  I have had the pleasure of working at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School for 14 years and look forward to working with you.  Please feel free to reach out to me for any supports you need!



Ms. Ma

Academic Counselor 

Hello! I'm here to support you in doing well in school. Throughout your high school years, we will meet for course selections, to make sure you meet graduation requirements, and to also discuss your post-secondary plans. I hope to get to know you and your family to best support you in your academic, social, and career needs. I really enjoy getting to know our students at Thurgood Marshall! Please reach out at any time when you need assistance. 


Phone: 415-993-1874 

Additional languages:  Cantonese and Mandarin (我是雙語顧問,會説廣東話和普通話) 歡迎你! 

Ms. Funes 

Academic counselor 

Hello / Hola! I will be helping students reach their full capacities in three different areas: Socioemotional Learning, Academics, and College & Career. These four years of high school fly by and there is so much learning happening to prepare you for your future. I am excited to be on this journey of learning and exploration with you! 

Hola! Estare ayudando a estudiantes lograr su capacidad complete en three areas diferentes: aprendizaje socioemotioncal, academico, y carreras y universidades. Estos 4 anos pasan rapidamente y hay mucho que aprender y prepararte para tu future. Estoy feliz en hacer este camino de aprendizaje y exploracion con ustedes.


Phone: 628-900-4043

Ms. Linnette Haynes (She/Her/Ella)

Hello! As the first person to go to college on both sides of my family, I know firsthand how access to education can positively impact one’s life and improve the lives of future generations. It is my pleasure to be the Assistant Principal who supports the Counseling Department to support our students.  Please feel free to reach out for assistance/support:

Ms. Karina (She/Her/Ella)

School Counselor Intern 

Hello! I am supporting GE and Newcomer Students under the supervison of the head counselors. You can reach me at -

Ms. Karla (She/Her/Ella)

School Counseling intern

Hi! My name is Karla and I am one of the school counseling interns here at Thurgood Marshall. I am so happy to be here and be able to support GE and Newcomer students. Feel free to reach out to me at -