High School designated eld Units of instruction

Emerging Level ELD

Jessica Oppenheim

In this short interdisciplinary unit, students will study climate change and practice foundational reading strategies

Jessica Oppenheim

In this short interdisciplinary unit, students will study natural disasters and practice foundational reading strategies

SF International HS Teachers

Who am I? What makes me who I am? Answering these essential questions is among the goals of this 2-week unit. Through community building activities, an introduction to language associated with personal identity, and an exploration of poetry as a medium for personal expression, students will learn about their classmates while engaging in routines and norms that will be utilized throughout the school year. For teachers who would like to expand this unit beyond two weeks, many rich additional materials are provided.

New Unit Coming 

Soon ...

Do you have a unit to share? We will pay you for your contribution. hallinanc1@sfusd.edu 

Expanding Level ELD

In this short unit, students will write a personal immigration narrative

Jessica Oppenheim

In this short interdisciplinary unit, students will study natural disasters and practice foundational reading strategies

Bridging Level ELD

Originally Created by SFIHS Teachers; adapted by Vicki Traverso and Conor Hallinan

Through collaborative reading and discussion routines and scaffolds that support comprehension and analysis of a novel, students will gather evidence to use in argumentative writing & a final visual project about how a character’s actions impact a community of neighbors and their communal garden project.

Megan Walson

All of us wish to communicate effectively. One way we are able to communicate is through our writing. In order to improve our writing, we have to practice frequently. In this unit, students  will join a focused student writing community, increasing their speed and skill as well as their excitement for the written word.

In this unit, students will watch a documentary, take detailed notes about the video, and discuss key elements of the story with their group in preparation for writing. They will then worki in collaborative groups to write a short profile narrative based on the documentary film they chose to watch. Along the way,  students will be exposed to the elements of a narrative, how to fact find and interview, how to determine theme and purpose of a narrative, and how to create a plot and story board to outline a short documentary film about their person of interest.

New Unit Coming 

Soon ...

Do you have a unit to share? We will pay you for your contribution. Contact Conor Hallinan at hallinanc1@sfusd.edu