Fire Student


Virtual Field trips:

In these videos, we go on field trips through a camera. We are able to SIMULATE going on a field trip like this. On these virtual trips, our instructors, whole engine companies, and guest speakers do tours or drills, teaching us and explaining things as if we were there in person. All of this is done over zoom.

Cliff Rescue Demo

Nov 3, 2020

Station 31, fire Streams

Nov 11, 2020

Search and Rescue

Dec 1, 2020

HazMat-Rescue Squad 1

Oct 6, 2020

TransAmerica Building

Sept 29, 2020

Personal Protective Equipment

Dec 10, 2020

Public Service-Career Panel

Dec 15, 2020

Fire Museum Tour

Oct 29, 2020

Funeral Services-Jason Cortez

Oct 20, 2020

Fire Class Lectures & Chapter Notes:

Missing virtual classes: With this pandemic (COVID-19) going on, the things that were difficult before are twice as difficult now. With an understanding of these difficulties, our teacher has been RECORDING the virtual lessons and posting them on our google class page. When we miss a class and we want to make up our grade we just go there. Some times in our class, guests are on the call and they also teach us and they give us advice. If we miss that day everything is taped so we are able to access the advice and all the information we missed. It is important for STUDENTS to have an idea of what the class was about and which chapters were covered. We can then take notes and prepare for the quizzes. We take our quizzes on Canvas from the City College website.

Building Construction

Ropes and Knots

Ground Ladders

Fire Ventilation

Forcible Entry

Fire Hose

Overhaul, Property Conservation and Scene Preservation

Arson and Investigation

Intro to Fire Science TextBook

Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th edition

Fire Prevention Textbook

Principals of Fire Prevention, 4th edition