PaThway Details


11th grade - Fall CCSF Intro to Fire Science (FSC 50)

11th grade - Spring CCSF Fire Prevention (FSC 61A)

12th grade- Fall (CCSF EMT 101A)

12th grade - Spring (CCSF EMT 101B)

*Summer 2021- EMT 100 accelerated course for National Registry Preparation, guaranteed entrance for Mission program completers


This is a 2-year pathway for 11th and 12th graders.

FSC 50 & FSC 61A: These courses are scheduled to meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays a CCSF course, Intro to Fire Science, will be taught by CCSF Instructors (active and/or retired SFFD employees). On Mondays, an SFUSD teacher will work with students to ensure student success.

EMT 101A & EMT 101B: These CCSF courses will be taught to seniors on Mission High Campus 2-3 mornings per week from 8-9:30 am. The other 3 mornings will be working with mentors, in class tutoring, and/or relevant field trips. Both years will focus on work-based learning.


The overarching goal of the FSC pathway is 1) to expose students from underrepresented communities and genders to careers that may currently feel unattainable to them, 2) to support students in acquiring the necessary skills to be successful in college and the workplace, and 3) to create a pipeline for a skilled and diverse future workforce of SF City and County in the fields related to fire and emergency medicine.

Future Possibilities

  1. Mentorship program with Paramedics and Firefighters

  2. Build advisory board to advise this pathway

  3. SFFD Reserves provide in class tutoring as volunteer hours

  4. Work with AMR (hiring MOU), Earn While You Learn program

Work with SFFD to recommend some students into the SF EMS Corps

  1. Collaboration with SFDHR to create a point system for pathway completers