PTSA Projects

Staff Lounge Remodel

Summer 2017

The GWHS PTSA project for the 2016/2017 school year was giving a facelift to the Staff Lounge. The PTSA Executive Board reached out and polled the staff to get a better idea of the design direction for this refresh. The respondents let us know that they'd like to have warm colors and more art on the walls. Principal Saunders thought the best time to complete this project would be over the summer, near the close of the 6 week summer camps run by Beacon and just before the custodial staff began the intense preparation of the school for the start of the 2017/2018 year.

A small group of parents spent two weeks prepping and painting the walls, organizing the new furniture, and hanging art. The result - two thumbs up!

Major props to our Local Business partners - Creative Paint on Geary between 18th and 19th who donated the paint for the walls AND AAA Business Supplies and Interiors for sourcing all the furniture, giving the PTSA a competitive price PLUS they delivered it all to the school already assembled!


Some after pictures!

(still in process here...)