Student/Family Wellness resources

Below are some helpful resources for families to help improve overall wellness, activities, and tips/tricks for managing emotions.

Wellness Wednesday!

 Why do we have feelings?

- Feelings vs. Emotions: Differentiating feelings (mental responses) from emotions (bodily reactions).

- Role of Feelings: How feelings help us interpret and respond to emotions.

- Why Feelings Matter: Emphasizing the importance of feelings in guiding actions, setting goals, and building relationships.

Wellness Wednesday!

How to Control Big Emotions

Help children and teens learn how to manage big emotions. Emotional regulation for anger management, stress management, anxiety, depression, and coping strategies for many more mental health struggles. 

Wellness Wednesday!

Why do we lose control of our emotions?

Simple, easy-to-understand whiteboard animation to help early Elementary-aged children gain an understanding of the way their brains work to recognize and manage their emotions.

Wellness Wednesday!

Weather the storm

Come take a moment in this guided meditation of Weather the Storm with FLOW as we learn to destress from school work

Wellness Wednesday!

Building Resilience

Have you ever been knocked down and found it difficult to get back up again? Or maybe you had something happen that was really tough to deal with, and didn't know how to cope with it? This video follows Hugo as he learns to understand his challenging emotions better and explores ways to develop his resilience using four easy-to-follow tips—helping him to bounce back in the face of adversity!

Wellness Wednesday!

Body Scan

A super relaxing lying-down body scan!

Great for your emotion check-ins or the end of the school day.

Wellness Wednesday!

Circle of Control

The Circle Of Control is a therapeutic tool that helps kids & teens notice the things in their lives that are inside and outside of their control.  If we put our time and energy into things we CAN control, it helps us to better manage anxiety and stress, and improves our mental health.  On the other hand, if we can recognize the things in our life we CANNOT control, then it can help us to come to terms with, and better cope with these things.

Wellness Wednesday!

Progressive Muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a very simple relaxation technique that consists of tightening different muscles of the body and maintaining that tension for about five seconds (without hurting yourself). First you will learn to relax the muscles of the face, starting with the forehead, eyes, nose, and the mouth. Then you will learn how to relax the other muscles of the body, starting with the back, then the arms and abdomen, and finally the muscles of the legs.

Wellness Wednesday!


Mindful grounding exercises for children are great for managing feelings of anxiety or high levels of stress. They can be a useful coping strategy for both children and adults. This mindfulness grounding exercise helps children get in touch with their bodies and practice mindfulness. Focusing on the present moment, allows children to achieve calmness in their bodies and minds. 

Holiday stress

Tips and advice for reducing stress this holiday season for you and your children. These tips were created with children in mind who struggle with sensory processing, social interactions, and unpredictability. 

Click here for full article

Wellness Wednesday!

stress Management

Stress is a feeling that you experience when you have a lot of things going on at once, an important decision to make, an unexpected change in your life, a big event coming up, or when something really dangerous or terrifying happens to you. It is a common experience that everyone goes through. However, when it becomes too much, it can turn into a problem. In this article, you will learn the definition of stress, how it affects you, and five helpful ways of coping with it.

Wellness Wednesday!

Identity and Values

Who are you? What makes you who you are? This video follows Sheng as he explores the different things that create his identity – including his values, hobbies, cultural background, religion, language, and personality. By following three simple steps, students will learn how to recognize their unique identity – and celebrate it!

Wellness Wednesday!

Self ESteem

This video follows Pablo as he navigates his confidence and self-esteem in a range of contexts. By following five simple tips, you’ll see how setting goals, celebrating differences, persevering, and being constructive (instead of destructive!) will help you train your brain to be more confident!

Wellness Wednesday!

Positive Affirmations

THE REFLECTION IN ME is a heartwarming, animated short film sharing themes of love, acceptance, and having a positive self-image.The film’s goal is to empower children of all ages to find the courage to look inside and love themselves as they are.THE REFLECTION IN ME follows the impactful experience of a child going through the practice of self-love and acceptance. The film seeks to promote the message of having a positive self-image and unconditional love.

Wellness Wednesday!

Growth Mindset

This video explores the characteristics of a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. It busts the myth of perfection and teaches students to appreciate their mistakes and failures. It explains that fear is a natural universal emotion, how challenges help students grow, and provides students with tips on how to switch on their growth mindset.

Wellness Wednesday!


Empathy is when you are able to understand how someone else might be thinking or feeling about a situation. Some people say empathy is like putting yourself in their shoes and trying your best to imagine what they might be going through.  Empathy is not about what you would do if you were them or how you are feeling, it's all about the other person!