About MARS

The MARS Mission

The MARS Project provides students the opportunity to use music as a tool of liberation. Music has the power to influence social change and students have the unique opportunity of voicing their opinions, perspectives and knowledge through the powerful medium of music.

Through the instruction of musical instrumentation, voice techniques, basic music theory, musical production and performance, students gain awareness of their abilities and develop confidence that can transfer into other areas of their lives.

About The Teachers

Lee Towles

Lee Towles is a lifelong musician who has combined his passions for music, math and science to co-found the MARS project at Downtown High School. He has played a wide variety of music genres as a drummer, guitarist, bassist and vocalist. Towles began his teaching career in 1996 after earning a B.S. in Mathematics Education. After many years of teaching by day and playing music in various bands by night, he came to Downtown in 2009 and found a unique and wonderful opportunity to create a vibrant music program that would engage students in school through the brilliant world of music. In addition to playing music, Towles is an avid surfer and snowboarder.


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