5th Period

Minimum Wage

Marcus Wong & Jadelyn Lou

In this episode of the "Curry Fishball Podcast", we will discuss the impact of minimum wage jobs on dietary habits.

Ivan Lei

Astro Ape Podcast: The issue of Minimum Wage. For today’s topic, we will be going over the issue and origin of minimum wage. We will also get to hear from a teenager’s perspective on how he feels about the minimum wage.

Jacky Liang

In this episode of "Midnight Talk Podcast", we discuss about changing the minimum wage, how it affects the poor, and if you can survive with minimum wage.

Dali Ma

In this episode of "Minimum Wage As Allowance", we will discuss if it is possible to live with a minimum wage and explore this from the perspective of a high school student.

Landon Bustos, Hanson Pan, Vincent Ngo

We will discuss the problem which many Americans face, minimum wage. Specifically, we will speak to a minimum wage worker and learn about their experiences and feelings on minimum wage.

Katie Phuong

Katie's Clubhouse Podcast, today's topic of the day is about minimum wage, so I am going to be interviewing two of my friends to get their opinions on minimum wage.

Haley Trinh

In thus episode of "Haley's Comet Podcast, we discuss whether or not the minimum wage is helpful to athletes like me.

Daniel, Justin, Andre, Jordan, Jereymah

In this episode of " The Bean Bag Boyz," we discuss about athletes and minimum wage jobs, how athlete need time management, if they are choosing between the sports they want or would they wa

Julian Paradise

In this episode, we discuss if someone can live their life on minimum wage, and if we were to increase it, what positives and negatives come from it.

Jennifer, Jose, and Lucia

In this episode of Part Time Podcast we discuss minimum wage. Living off minimum wage is difficult especially living in San Francisco. Here we talk about the struggles of that and juggling school at the same time.

Gender Wage Gap

Shelby Liles

In this episode of "Shelby's Show", we explore the gender wage gap, women and mothers in the workforce and the lasting effects of the bias towards women who work.

Heaven Wyatt

In this episode of "Which Gender Suffers More Podcast", we discuss the pressures that women face when pressure when trying to find a career, that men don't have to face. Women have to make sacrifices while men avoid having children and the responsibilities of having them.

Manahill Waheed, Fiona Gan, and Samantha Chow

In this episode of "Into the Femi-Verse," we explored the differences of experience in the workplace caused by gender—specifically, the gender wage gap.

Nataly Alvarado

In this episode of "The Double Click to Edit Podcast", I ask my mom questions about the gender wage gap.

Carlos Alcantar

The Lonely Tear Podcast, where we discuss the issue of the racial pay gap and the misconceptions about discrimination in San Francisco

Racial wage gap