3rd Period

Minimum Wage

Keean Ignacio, Miya Tse, and Angus Rubino

In this episode of "Out Of The Box Podcast", we discuss how teens afford clothing and expenses with a minimum wage paying job.

Si Yan, Aaron Chen, and Tony Fino

In this episode of the "Money For Muni Podcast", we discuss whether public transportation is affordable for those who work minimum wage jobs, as well as the other problems it raises.

Jane Huang

In this episode of "A Student's Wage On Wage Inequality Podcast", we discuss how a high school student works her way up to maximize her earnings.

Evan Huey

In this episode of "The Injustice Wage" we will explore the different persepectives of the minimum wage in San Francisco."

Vincent Bell and Abigail Carranza Quiroz

In this episode of "The Foodies Podcast", we will discuss what kind of sacrifices you would have to make in order to buy food and other necessities, and why is it so hard to live on minimum wage?

Ivan Kuang

In this Podcast of "Modern Circus" I'm The clown that couldn't do it properly and Im going to talk about how minimum wage is almost unlivable in the US

Vanessa Romero Carrillo

En este episodio de Mostaza en mi suéter hablamos sobre el salario mínimo. Discutimos sobre las experiencias de alguien que ha trabajado con un salario mínimo y los consejos que podrían darnos.

Clementine Costanza

In this episode of coming around, me and my mom talk about her experiences with raising a family in a high demanding job along with her experiences with gender discrimination.

Gender Wage Gap

Sofia Kamikawa

In this episode 'Soup Sit Down with Sofia" my grandma, aunt and I discuss the issues of being a woman in the workplace. My grandma and aunt both run a business together, knowing both the ins and outs of it. Throughout this podcast we learn about their start and how that affected them and their family.

Kyle Hua

In this episode of the "Lost Connection" podcast, we discuss the issues of the gender wage gap, how it was in the past, and how it is now. I am joined by Abraham Highschool senior, Claudia Nguyen and we discuss our thoughts and views on the issue and discuss how things could be different.

Katie Lee and Edwin Lu

In this episode of "Nothing Ever Changes Podcast", we discussed how we felt about the gender wage gap and how it affected us.

Emma Chen

In this episode of "A Student's First Podcast," we discuss what gender wage inequality is, what examples of unequal thoughts on women and men who work in certain fields and display family photos on their workspace, how big the gender wage gap is, and how we feel or thought about it.

Cecilia Chu

In this episode of "Candid Conversation of Cecilia Chu", we explore both the consequences and possible solutions of the gender wage gap.

Jennifer Luu Moy and Tiffany Chou

In this episode of "Talking To The Moon,"we discuss how the gender wage gap blocks married couples on having a stable future.

Kat Quock

In Kick'n it Back with Kat podcast, we explore the depths of the gender wage gap in a deeper perspective, being inclusive of our trans community and how the gender wage gap affects them.

Izy, Nura, Devon, and Kevin

In this episode of. "Curls and Kevin." We talk about racial and gender wage gap as well as give advice to women entering the work place.

Racial wage gap

Tony Lin, Garrett Yee

Let's discuss everything there is to do with the racial wage gap and the racial wealth gap in this episode of Under Pressure.

Aaron Gutierrez

In this episode of "Never Gonna Give You Up" , we discuss what is racial wage inequality and what we feel needs to change."